DisinfoWatch’s database of COVID related misinformation, disinformation, conspiracy theories, hoaxes and foreign propaganda. We use various tools to monitor and collect examples, which we then analyze and publish. By default, examples are sorted by date. RSS feed here.

Mis/Disinformation ExampleDateSource RegionThemesCategory
Vladimir Putin’s daughter DIES after second dose of COVID vaccine
In early August, Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed that one of his daughters had received a dose of the Russian Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine. Whether or not his daughter received...
15 August 2020Canada,Misinformation
Conspiracy to smear Russian “Vaccine”
Tweet from the Russian Embassy in Canada, aligns with other Russian conspiracy theories about “big pharma” benefiting from the COVID-19 pandemic.
12 August 2020Canada,,Conspiracy Theory,Disinformation
The coronavirus was stolen from Canada by Chinese spies
From EUvsDisinfo: This is a pro-Kremlin narrative about the coronavirus . The laboratory NML, which is part of the federal Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC), told AFP by email...
12 August 2020Russia,,Conspiracy Theory,Disinformation
The US is hiding its bio-weapons program
Part of the Russian and Chinese disinformation campaign to promote false narratives about the origins of COVID-19, by suggesting that US government labs should be investigated by Chinese and Russian...
12 August 2020China,,Conspiracy Theory,Disinformation
Canada is COVID Free
Multiple claims were made on social media platforms that Canada is now COVID free and circulated by groups and accounts ostensibly located in the Phillipines.
12 August 2020AsiaMisinformation
Putin’s Daughter Receives Vaccine Video
A video posted by an Afghanistan based Twitter account claims to show the daughter of Vladimir Putin receiving a Russian COVID vaccination. According to known images of Vladimir Putin’s daughters,...
11 August 2020Canada,,Disinformation
COVID Is Not A Threat to School Aged Children
Paper claims that COVID is not a serious threat to children. The source is a US based NGO that promotes conspiracy theories about a “global immunization agenda”
24 July 2020United States,,,Conspiracy Theory,Misinformation
“It’s Not an Epidemic, It’s An Operation”
Multiple conspiracy theory websites have published this conspiracy theory that deliberately misinterprets US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s words in order to support a false conclusion. This narrative is closely...
18 June 2020Canada,,Conspiracy Theory
Canada Banned Guns Ahead of COVID related policy decision
The piece conflates a recent decision to ban certain types of assault rifles in Canada with government COVID related decisions – suggesting that the government is preparing for something ominous....
6 June 2020Russia,,Conspiracy Theory,Disinformation
PM Trudeau is self-isolating to cover up a divorce from his wife and his homosexuality 10 May 2020Canada,,Conspiracy Theory,Disinformation
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