We identify and track mis/disinformation narratives and trends emerging from both domestic and foreign sources, through a global network of partners


When we detect potential Covid related mis/disinformation we analyze content, its sources and seek to debunk wherever possible. Examples are then added to our database


Promoting digital literacy with the latest learning resources to foster greater awareness of mis/disinformation and promote skills such as source, claim and fact checking.


By exposing and debunking mis/disinformation on an ongoing basis and producing regular DisinfoDigests,  DisinoWatch builds resilience against it – regardless of source or intent.

Latest DisinfoDigests

What is the Valdai Club?

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The Valdai Discussion Club was founded in 2004 by the Russian government, with significant backing from institutions like the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) and the Russian news agency RIA…

DisinfoWatch at Canada’s Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Safety & National Security

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DisinfoWatch's Marcus Kolga testified at Canada's Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security on Tuesday, October 1, 2024. Below are his opening remarks: Mr. Chairman, members of the…

US RT Indictment Report: Exploring RT, Russian Operations and the role of and impact on Canada

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This report was written as an incident response for The Canadian Digital Media Research Network. Key takeaways: The Kremlin is extremely motivated to influence and manipulate the Canadian and US…

Canadian Vulnerability to Russian Narratives About Ukraine

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In Spring 2024, DisinfoWatch and Canadian Digital Media Research Network conducted a survey of 2,127 Canadians to assess their exposure to several leading Kremlin narratives about Russia’s war against Ukraine…

DisinfoWatch In The Media


DisinfoWatch on CBC Power & Politics

DisinfoWatch's Marcus Kolga was a quest on the September 6, 2024 episode of CBC's Power…

Globe & Mail July 12 Editorial Supports Following DisinfoWatch Recommendations

In an editorial published by The Globe and Mail on July 12, 2024, the newspaper…

DisinfoWatch Featured in Globe and Mail

DisinfoWatch's joint July report with The Canadian Digital Media Research Network on Canadian exposure and…

DisinfoWatch Cited in Canadian Senate Report on Seal Hunt

DisinfoWatch's Marcus Kolga's testimony to The Standing Senate Committee on Fisheries and Oceans was cited…

DisinfoWatch in The National Post

DisinfoWatch's Marcus Kolga was quoted in a front page article published by the National Post,…

DisinfoWatch Featured in Global Affairs Canada Series About Disinfo

DisinfoWatch founder, Marcus Kolga, was interviewed by the Rapid Reaction Mechanism team at Global Affairs…

DisinfoWatch on CBC News

DisinfoWatch's Marcus Kolga was interviewed by CBC News about the death of Alexey Navalny.  

DisinfoWatch Quoted in CBC Article About Canada-US-UK FIMI Framework

DisinfoWatch's Marcus Kolga was quoted in a CBC article about the creation and endorsement by…