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Russian MFA Falsely Claims Ukraine Spreading “Terror”

The Claim:
In an August 7, 2024 article published by Russian state media platform, RT, Russian MFA spokesperson Maria Zakharova, falsely claims that Ukraine is spreading “terrorism” worldwide. This narrative is aimed at portraying Ukraine as a global threat, thereby justifying Russia’s criminal war against Ukraine.

The Facts:
In reality, Ukraine has been defending itself against Russian aggression since 2014. There is no credible evidence supporting claims that Ukraine is spreading terrorism. International bodies and independent observers have overwhelmingly recognized Ukraine’s actions as self-defense and countermeasures against occupation.

Russia first invaded Ukraine in 2014 and again in 2022, indiscriminately killing thousands of civilians, destroying civilian infrastructure and engaging in war crimes, including the kidnapping of nearly 30,000 Ukrainian children.

Narrative Context:
This tactical narrative is part of a broader disinformation campaign designed to obscure the reality of Russian aggression and frame Ukraine as the antagonist.

The Kremlin uses this narrative to achieve several objectives:

Domestic Justification:
By labeling Ukraine as a terrorist state, the Kremlin aims to rally domestic support and justify its military actions to the Russian public.

International Perception:
This narrative is targeted at swaying international opinion, particularly among countries undecided about their stance on the conflict, to isolate Ukraine and reduce support for it.

Undermining Support:
It seeks to undermine international aid and solidarity for Ukraine by painting it as a rogue state.