The Claim:
The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has falsely alleged, through posts on Twitter/X and Telegram, that Canada is meddling in the upcoming US elections. This claim is based on the recent decision by the Canadian government to form a team tasked with developing a foreign policy strategy aimed at facilitating a seamless transition should there be a second Trump administration.
The Telegram post falsely attributes the Canadian concerns about the threat to US Democracy as being manufactured by Canadian government “pressure”.
Narrative Context:
Canada’s federal inquiry into foreign interference began on Monday, January 29th and the release of this statement on social media may have been scheduled to coincide with it, in efforts to undermine and ridicule the inquiry and Canadian concerns about foreign interference in its democratic processes.
The Russian government regularly posts statements to its official and state media channels that mock and denigrate democracy in Western nations and their governments, including Canada’s past Conservative, and the current Liberal government. This tactical Russian disinformation narrative, often questions the legitimacy of democracy and Western institutions.
This is an example of “accusation in a mirror” disinformation whereby one falsely attributes to one’s adversaries the intentions that one has for oneself and/or the actions that one is in the process of enacting. There is well documented evidence of Russian interference in many elections and democracies throughout the world over the past decade and longer. Most notably, in the US 2016 federal elections.
There is no evidence that the Canadian government has, or is intending to interfere in the US elections. While the Prime Minister told reporters that his government is preparing for all eventualities and that his government will “work constructively with whatever American administration is in place,” this does not in any way indicate an effort to interfere in the US election. This narrative is likely intended to fuel anti-Trudeau sentiment and manufacture outrage among pro-Trump Americans.

Screenshot of the Russian MFA Telegram Channel.