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Germany did not pay Bill Gates €600 million to facilitate (commit) an act of terrorism against Canada

A recent Twitter post claims that a commitment made by German Chancellor Angela Merkel in January to donate “600 million Euros for global vaccine efforts” to the Gavi International Vaccine Alliance, was in fact intended “to carry out WHO’s COVID-19 bioterrorism attack”.

A subsequent reply to the original Tweet claims that “COVID-19 was planned” and that “Germany paid Bill Gates €600 million to facilitate (commit) an act of terrorism against Canada, the US & World for a NGO UN goal – obtain ‘worldwide support for vaccinations'”.

It is indeed true that Angela Merkel committed 600 million Euros towards vaccine development through the GAVI Vaccine Alliance.

However, this claim and its link to COVID do not in any way offer any proof or evidence of a conspiracy to commit a bio-terrorism attack against Canada as the Tweet suggests

Furthermore, fact checking organizations have investigated the claim that “COVID-19 is a deliberately planned pandemic” and have found it to be false.