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Deceptive TASS Article Misleads About NATO & Polish Defensive Preparations

The Claim:
Russian state media agency TASS published an article on July 16 with a deceptive headline that suggests Poland and NATO are “preparing for war” without any context. This could falsely lead viewers of the headline to believe that Poland and NATO are preparing for an imminent military engagement against an adversary such as Russia.

The Facts:
NATO is a defensive military alliance that engages in activities to ensure its preparedness to defend its members in case of an attack against them.

Narrative Context:
The article itself reveals that Polish President Andrzej Duda’s comments were about NATO’s need for strong defense capabilities to prevent conflict, using the adage “If you want peace, prepare for war.” This distortion serves the Kremlin’s interest in portraying NATO as aggressive and war-mongering, reinforcing narratives of Western hostility towards Russia. This aligns with Russian propaganda efforts to justify its military actions and maintain domestic support for its policies.