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FSB Chief Falsely Claims Ukraine’s Involvement in ISIS Attack

The Claim:
FSB chief Alexander Bortnikov repeated an unsubstantiated claim about Ukrainian involvement in the ISIS March 22 attack on Moscow’s Crocus Theatre.  That claim was amplified on Twitter/X.

The Facts:
ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack in Moscow. There is no evidence of Ukraine’s involvement or that of any other Western democratic nation.

Narrative Context:
The tragic March 22 attack on innocent theatre goers has been cynically exploited by the Kremlin to support its strategic narratives targeting Ukraine as a threat to Russian security. Russia has deployed multiple conspiracy theories and disinformation to justify its February 2022 invasion of Ukraine and to emphasize the threat it perceives from NATO and Western democratic nations. In the immediate aftermath of the attack, FSB Chief Alexander Bortnikov falsely claimed that “Western special services have aided” ISIS in the attack.

Such narratives are intended to provoke fear among Russians and to boost their support for the Putin regime. In the Western world, these narratives reinforce existing conspiracy theories about Western democracies and aim to erode public trust in them.

Additionally, white supremacist groups have posted conspiracies that claim ISIS is run by the CIA, and that the CIA is controlled by the Jews.