DisinfoWatch’s database of COVID related misinformation, disinformation, conspiracy theories, hoaxes and foreign propaganda. We use various tools to monitor and collect examples, which we then analyze and publish. By default, examples are sorted by date. RSS feed here.

Mis/Disinformation ExampleDateSource RegionThemesCategory
We Are Now Living the “Lock Step Scenario”
This piece claims that COVID 19 was planned in a Rockefeller Foundation report in 2010 as part of an operation named “Lockstep.” According to Snopes, The Rockefeller Foundation did fund...
27 March 2020Canada,,,Conspiracy Theory
Resource Companies Expanding Under Cover of Pandemic
Far-left activists claim that resource companies are using the pandemic to expand their resource development plans. An article in Canadian journal claims that an American company, KKR is taking over...
23 March 2020Canada,Conspiracy Theory
Israel and US created Coronavirus as a Biological Warfare Weapon
The piece that appeared in Iranian state media, Press TV, states that Israel and US engineered the COVID-19 virus in order to engage in biological warfare against Iran: “Now they’re...
7 March 2020Iran,,,,,Conspiracy Theory,Disinformation
COVID-19 Only Affects The “Mongol Race”
A state owned Russian platform owned by the Ministry of Defence, claimed that COVID-19 only affects people of the “mongol race” and promotes other conspiracy theories about Bill Gates, George...
2 March 2020Canada,,Conspiracy Theory,Disinformation
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