DisinfoWatch’s database of COVID related misinformation, disinformation, conspiracy theories, hoaxes and foreign propaganda. We use various tools to monitor and collect examples, which we then analyze and publish. By default, examples are sorted by date. RSS feed here.

Mis/Disinformation ExampleDateSource RegionThemesCategory
Russian False Claims About “Dirty Bombs”
On October 23, Russian Minister of Defence, Sergi Shoigu claimed without any proof that Ukraine was preparing to use a “dirty bomb” in what he described as an “uncontrolled escalation”. ...
25 October 2022Russia,,,,Disinformation
Wife of Nazi Propaganda Minister is Not Canadian Deputy PM’s Grandmother
An image recently shared on social media depicts the family of Nazi propagnad chief, Josef Goebbles, his wife Magda and their children with Adolf Hitler. The grandmother of Canada’s Deputy...
12 September 2022Canada,,,Disinformation,Hoax
Russian State Media Publishes Misleading Article About New Environment Canada Facility
On August 24, Russian state media website, RT published a report that claimed Environment Canada is building a new facility in Winnipeg that “includes a sizable firearms storage room, as...
8 September 2022Russia,,Conspiracy Theory,Misinformation
Russian Ministry of Defence Suggests Monkeypox Created in US Biolab
Russian state media have published statements by a Russian defence ministry official who suggests that the United States could be responsible for the virus that causes Monkeypox. Both Sputnik and...
22 August 2022Russia,,Conspiracy Theory,Disinformation
China Blames US/NATO for Initiating Russian War Against Ukraine
On August 10, 2022, a representative of the Chinese government falsely claimed that the United States initiated Russia’s war against Ukraine in an interview to Russian state media. China’s ambassador...
11 August 2022Russia,,,,Disinformation
Individual Calling for Police Chief’s Resignation Is Not A Police Officer
In a video posted to TikTok and Twitter on February 12, an individual dressed in what appears to be a police uniform calls for the resignation of Ottawa Police Chief...
14 February 2022CanadaMisinformation
Kremlin Disinformation About NATO post-Cold War Enlargement
A short explainer video that examines the Kremlin’s false narratives about NATO enlargement and member states in Central and Eastern Europe. While security in the context of German reunification may...
5 January 2022Russia,,,,,Disinformation,Foreign Propaganda
Western Military Support for Ukraine Does Not Violate Minsk Agreement
As the Russian government escalates tensions and the possibility of a military conflict on its border with Ukraine through mass mobilization of troops and military equipment, the Ukrainian government has...
10 December 2021Russia,,,,Disinformation,Foreign Propaganda
Global Times Editor Falsely Claims Huawei CFO Meng Was Illegally Detained by Canada
The editor-in-chief of a Chinese Communist Party controlled propaganda tabloid, Global Times, falsely claimed, in a Twitter post, that Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou was illegally detained in Canada for 1028...
2 November 2021China,,Disinformation,Foreign Propaganda
Canadian Conservative Leader Does Not Say He Will Privatize Canadian Access To Health Care
A video posted by the Liberal Party of Canada has been tagged as “manipulated media” by Twitter. The post features an interview clip of Conservative Party leader Erin O’Toole that...
24 August 2021Canada,Disinformation
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