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Sesame Street Characters Are Not “Brainwashing” Children About COVID-19

A post published on a well-known Canadian conspiracy theory website claims that Sesame Street characters have been co-opted to engage in “‘New Normal’ brainwashing for the very young and vulnerable” and labels the video as “propaganda for the whole family.”

A video featuring the beloved furry blue Grover character from the children’s series is identified to be offering “dehumanizing advice to lonely and depressed children.”

The Muppet reminds children of some very basic and standard, personal hygiene procedures – that they should wash their hands before they eat and after they play.  Grover then tells viewers that they should maintain social distancing in public and to wear a mask in order to protect “yourself and others.”

The post negatively references the Muppet’s appearance on a World Economic Forum podcast, an organization that is frequently the focus of COVID anti-elite conspiracy theories.

While COVID-related guidance by provincial and local health units may vary, they generally align with Health Canada’s recommendation that personal preventative practices should be promoted within schools to families, staff and students. This includes “frequent hand hygiene, avoid touching face, respiratory etiquette” and to “promote physical distancing as much as possible.”

The Sesame Street video is in fact an excellent resource that can be used to “Teach children and youth about why, how and when to clean hands and cover coughs and sneezes, using age appropriate learning resources and tools.”