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Russian State Media Falsely Links Ukraine to Trump Assassination Attempt


The Claim:
Russian state media outlet TASS has amplified statements by disgraced Ukrainian oligarch Viktor Medvedchuk, who has claimed that Ukraine had a motive to assassinate Donald Trump. Medvedchuk alleges that Trump’s calls for peace in Ukraine threaten President Zelensky’s regime, portraying it as desperate and corrupt, and tying it to “neo-Nazi” elements.

The Facts:
Medvedchuk, is a pro-Kremlin oligarch and former politician, who is on most Western sanctions lists. He is closely associated with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is the godfather of his daughter.Medvedchuk has claimed that the Ukrainian government orchestrates political violence to maintain power.

There is absolutely no credible evidence linking Ukraine to the assassination attempt. The suspected shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, who was killed by Secret Service and has no links to Ukraine or any other foreign government.

Narrative Context
This narrative aligns with Russia’s broader strategy to undermine Ukraine’s leadership and to erode Western support for Ukraine. Similar disinformation tactics have been used to paint Ukraine as unstable and corrupt, attempting to weaken international support.

The claim linking Ukraine to an assassination attempt on Donald Trump is a baseless conspiracy theory propagated by Russian state media and a discredited Ukrainian oligarch. It serves to further Russia’s disinformation campaign against Ukraine and its allies.