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Chinese State Media Claims NATO Responsible for Russia’s War Against Ukraine

The Claim:
A column posted on the Chinese state-controlled platform, Global Times, falsely claims that Russia’s war against Ukraine was caused by NATO and the United States. The column warns that a “similar trap to the one Ukraine fell into is being set in Asia,” without identifying what the “trap” is.

The Facts:
Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014 and again in February 2022. There is no evidence to support the conspiracy theory that NATO or the United States controls Ukraine or any other NATO member state.

Narrative Context:
Since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Russia has repeatedly blamed Ukraine, NATO, and the United States for starting the war. Russian propagandists have falsely claimed that Ukraine is controlled by the US and NATO. Russia makes these claims to deflect attention from the fact that it is engaged in an unprovoked war to re-colonize and re-subjugate Ukraine.

The Chinese government has stated that its friendship with Russia is “without limits” and regularly echoes Russian talking points attacking the Western democratic world.

On June 2, Ukraine’s President Zelensky said that China was supporting Russia’s efforts to derail a Ukrainian-organized peace summit in Switzerland.

China is clearly taking advantage of the situation in Ukraine by exploiting cheap Russian resources. Chinese imports of Russian gas have doubled over the past five years.

The column accurately states that China would prefer independent Asian nations not unify to create a collective defense organization to defend themselves against growing Chinese aggression in the region.